Some of you may be aware that the club has recently been successful in the granting of a new premises licence by HDC. The new licence enables us to legally serve alcohol to be taken pitch side, to host events until midnight on Fridays and Saturdays without the need to apply for a TENs and to open the bar when internationals involving the home nations or the Lions are played, even when they kick off early in the morning.
The obtaining of this licence has not been easy as various objections were raised by residents based on potential noise and anti-social behaviour.
As a result, several undertakings have been given by the club and it is important that we adhere to these. For example, the patio area outside the Pindred can only be used for drinking up until 10pm, after that it can be used for smoking and taking phone calls but not for consumption of alcohol. We need to ensure that when leaving the club that noise is kept to a minimal.
As part of the licence application, we were reminded of the need to ensure alcohol is not consumed by under 18’s. Regarding this, anyone who is lucky enough to look under 25, and is not known by the bar staff, will be asked to provide evidence of their age. Please do not take exception to this, bar staff are only doing what they are legally required to do. Please also do not buy alcohol for anyone under the age of 18, this is illegal and will not be condoned by the club.
There have been incidents where fake ID has been provided, please do not do this, it is a totally unacceptable practice at anytime but especially in a member’s club.
If you have any queries regarding the contents of this article, please do not hesitate to speak with either me or Paul Warmington
Thanks for your co-operation
Graham Hughes